
PM Shehbaz Announces Pakistan’s Progression to CPEC’s Next Stage

PM Shehbaz Announces Pakistan Progression to CPEC Next Stage-realtorspk

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif recently confirmed Pakistan’s readiness to enter the next stage of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

In a conversation with Xinhua, a Chinese media outlet, he thanked President Xi Jinping for his warm congratulations following Sharif’s election as prime minister. “This marks a great beginning,” he said, emphasizing the deepening cooperation and mutual success awaiting Pakistan and China.

He admired China’s rapid progress and urged Pakistan to learn from its approach.

Highlighting China’s remarkable journey of lifting millions out of poverty and its sustained economic growth, PM Shehbaz pointed out China’s unique path of development as an inspiration.

“Despite global challenges, China’s consistent progress is outstanding,” he noted, admiring China’s strategy for development and resilience.

PM Shehbaz shared his vision for Pakistan, drawing on China’s model for eradicating poverty, empowering the youth, and fostering entrepreneurship.

Focusing on the second phase of CPEC, he stressed the importance of this partnership in driving technological advancements and agricultural improvements. The aim is to make investment easier and boost cooperation in sectors like textiles and steel with China’s help, thus stimulating Pakistan’s economy and employment.

He thanked China for its continuous support in Pakistan’s journey towards economic betterment, highlighting the critical role of their partnership in promoting green energy solutions and achieving sustainable development goals.

“Our promise is to stand by each other, in good times and bad,” PM Shehbaz affirmed, reflecting the strong commitment between Pakistan and China. For the latest Real Estate News and Blogs, visit Realtorspk blogs.

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